What Is My Learning Style? Quiz

What Is My Learning Style? Quiz was originally published on Forage.

Curious how you can switch up your study habits and make studying more enjoyable? Understanding your preferred learning style could help. 

In this article, you’ll understand one model of learning styles, take a learning style quiz, and learn about other psychological concepts to help you optimize your study sessions.

>>MORE: What is lifelong learning?

What Are Learning Styles?

Learning styles are preferences for different methods of understanding and retaining information. Theories about learning styles date back to the ’70s, and many models of learning styles exist. 

In this article and learning style quiz, we’ll focus on only one of those models: the VARK model that Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills proposed in 1992. Fleming and Mills’ model includes four learning styles: 

  • Visual: A preference to learn via graphs, charts, flow charts, and other diagrams
  • Aural: A preference to learn by hearing information spoken in lectures and discussions
  • Read/Write: A preference to learn from information printed in words
  • Kinesthetic: A preference to learn through experience or practical examples

According to the VARK model, people who favor two or more modalities equally or don’t clearly prefer any of them are multimodal.

What Is My Learning Style? Quiz

Curious about your learning style? Take the learning style quiz below and sign up to find out which learning style you prefer and which study strategies are compatible with that style.

1. You’re working at a coffee shop as a barista. You need to do twenty different things to close up shop at the end of a closing shift. How would you remember all of them?

a. write them down and keep a reference sheet with a bulleted list

b. do them in the same order each time and remember the motions

c. make a diagram of the shop and label the location for each thing you need to do

d. ask your trainer to talk you through each task

2. You’re learning about the Krebs cycle in biology class. How do you prefer to take notes on this topic?

a. draw a diagram

b. write out the steps of the cycle in an ordered list

c. make index cards for each step you can arrange in front of you

d. remember how the professor described it in the lecture

3. You plan to read a novel with a complicated family tree of characters. What’s your plan to remember how they’re all related?

a. bookmark the page where each character first appears to reference later

b. draw out a family tree as you go

c. listen to the audiobook

d. use examples of what characters do together in the book to remember how they’re related

4. You’re going on a three-week trip where you can only bring a carry-on. How would you plan out the clothes you’re going to pack?

a. talk to your friend who’s going about what they’re bringing

b. try on each outfit

c. lay everything out on the bed in the order you’d wear it on the trip

d. write down each outfit and its components

5. If you were testifying in court and needed to remember which entree you had at a restaurant two weeks ago, which memory would be most helpful to you?

a. what the food looked like on your plate

b. what the server said and what you said when you placed your order

c. the descriptions of the food on the menu

d. how the food tasted

6. When working on a group presentation, which task are you most comfortable leading?

a. outlining what the presentation will cover

b. designing the slides

c. speaking during the presentation

d. doing a demo during the presentation

7. Which of these strategies is most effective for you when trying to remember a complicated dream?

a. picturing the different scenes from the dream

b. remembering what you and others said in the dream

c. remembering what actions you were taking in the dream

d. writing down a description of what happened

8. When taking an online course, in which type of task would you perform the best?

a. recording a five-minute talk

b. making a flowchart

c. writing a summary of the key points from an academic article

d. completing a virtual role-play exercise with other students

9. You’re learning to be a commercial truck driver. Which would be most helpful to you?

a. going for a test drive with an experienced driver in the passenger seat

b. reading the owner’s manual for the truck

c. looking over diagrams of the dashboard and controls

d. talking with a truck driver about how they learned

10. Think of one of your favorite teachers. Which modes of instruction did they use most often?

a. delivering engaging lectures

b. showing helpful diagrams

c. providing detailed outlines of course topics

d. teaching through examples, like labs, case studies, or immersive activities

11. You’re in charge of occupying six kindergarteners for half an hour. Which activity would you prefer to do with them?

a. learning a dance routine

b. reading a book aloud to them

c. drawing

d. reciting a call-and-response nursery rhyme


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>>MORE: Take our “What Should I Go to College For?” quiz to learn what major could be right for you.

Other Psychological Concepts to Help Your Study Habits

Taking a learning style quiz isn’t the only way to apply psychological concepts to your studying. Consider these other concepts as well to optimize how you study.


“Self-efficacy is generally defined in my research as the level, intensity, and strength of a person’s belief in their own ability to successfully execute a task or accomplish a desired goal,” says Terrell Strayhorn, professor of education and psychology and vice provost and interim dean of the school of arts and sciences at Virginia Union University.

In other words, if you believe that you’re capable of studying well enough to ace an exam, you’re more likely to do well on it.

Self-efficacy is goal-oriented and task-specific. Major drivers of efficacy include:

  • Verbal persuasion
  • Vicarious learning
  • Social support
  • Mastery experiences with feedback

>>MORE: Learn how to ask for feedback at work.

In the context of the exam example, verbal persuasion could mean your professor telling you she believes you’ll do well on the exam. One example of vicarious learning could be watching videos on YouTube of people studying or sharing study tips. For social support, meet with a study group and hype each other up before the exam. Investing significant time in studying and asking others how you can improve would be a mastery experience with feedback.

“If people want to improve their study habits, they need to boost confidence in their own study skills – repeat after me: ‘I am smart enough. I’m capable of learning. Good students study,’” Strayhorn says.

Sense of Belonging 

“Literature shows that students’ sense of belonging is positively correlated with co-curricular engagement, grades, time on task, and overall well-being,” Strayhorn says. “Studying can be a solitary act, but the evidence is clear that, as humans, we are most at home in community with others.”

With this in mind, consider forming a study group to study with others.

Attention Span

“The adult attention span is 20 minutes; therefore, ‘cramming’ for long periods at the last minute may not work for everyone, especially if you don’t have a photographic memory,” Strayhorn says.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have trouble focusing for extended periods. Instead, plan to study in small increments with frequent breaks. The Pomodoro technique is a popular approach.

When we first learn to walk or run, we don’t learn it all at once; we do so gradually by strengthening muscles through practice.

 “The brain works similarly,” Strayhorn says. “The brain is a muscle that has to be exercised and strengthened over time with small incremental study blocks/sessions.”

>>MORE: Read tips for making the most out of college.

Learning Style Quiz: The Bottom Line

Taking a learning style quiz can introduce you to study methods that align with your preferences, but remember: your results don’t fully capture the complexity of how you learn. If you prefer the aural learning style, that doesn’t mean you should put your handwritten notes through the paper shredder. Your learning preferences may vary for different subjects, and they may change over time.

“As a social psychologist and education researcher, my own scholarship has consistently shown that students’ aspirations, interests, preferences, and attitudes constantly change, grow, morph, shift, and develop over time, as they mature and environments vary,” Strayhorn says.

“So the goal, in my opinion, is NOT about matching a single instructional approach to a student’s current preferred learning style in some static, single moment. No, rather it’s about building diverse, engaging learning environments (i.e., classrooms, labs, schools) marked by a smooth blend of evidence-based instructional strategies that change and vary throughout the day, from unit to unit, or class to class,” he says.

Ready to put your learning style quiz results into action? Try a free job simulation on Forage.

The post What Is My Learning Style? Quiz appeared first on Forage.