The International Student Career Community is dedicated to supporting all students, regardless of their nationality, in navigating their job searches, whether domestically or abroad. We recognize that the job search process can be complex and challenging for students from multiple backgrounds. This Career Community aims to provide resources, programs, and information to assist students in pursuing opportunities both within and outside of the U.S. Our goal is to help all students successfully navigate these processes and achieve their career goals, regardless of their nationality or backgrounds.

What Is a SMART Goal? Examples to Help You Write Your Own

Setting goals is a key part of achieving success, whether you’re working towards a career milestone or personal growth. But how can you ensure they’re clear and achievable? This is where SMART goals come in.

The SMART goal acronym stands …

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Gen Z Anxiety at Work: How to Be the Leader They Need

Generation Z, born between the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2010s, is entering the workforce with brand-new challenges. As the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, they’re highly connected, socially conscious, and value-driven. However, studies show that …

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10 Small Wins to Celebrate During Your Job Search

Job searching is a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s easy to feel discouraged when you don’t see immediate results. But waiting for that one big job offer before allowing yourself to celebrate small wins and be happy with your …

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First Job Interview? Here’s How to Get Ready and Stand Out

Your first job interview can feel like a big deal—and it is. It’s your chance to make a great first impression, land your first job, and start building valuable experience. But it can also be nerve-wracking. What will they ask? …

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5 Things Interviewers Say That Hint You Won’t Get an Offer

Waiting to hear back after a job interview can feel like torture. You replay every moment in your head, wondering if that awkward pause or your answer to “Where do you see yourself in five years?” sealed your fate. Sometimes, …

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(405) 325-0311

The University of Oklahoma
660 Parrington Oval,
Norman, OK 73019-0390