
Career Readiness

Career Readiness Cisco

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Analyze sales data for a customer called Castor, and develop a project plan to investigate the causes of lagging sales …

Introduction to Business Teams

Introduction to Business Teams Linklaters UK

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Discover what it’s like to work in a business team at a truly innovative, global, commercial law firm.

Linklaters is …

Excel Skills for Business

Excel Skills for Business Goldman Sachs

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Gain the basic Excel skills professionals in business & finance use every day. Whether you’re a new to spreadsheets, or …

On-Premise Sales

On-Premise Sales Red Bull

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Analyze sales data and handle customer objections to meet your targets as an On-Premise Sales specialist at Red Bull

Welcome …

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Entrepreneurship and Innovation City of Moreton Bay

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Gain insight into the tasks and challenges that entrepreneurs face.

City of Moreton Bay will not have access to any …

Project Management

Project Management CBRE

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Conduct initial project planning for a global manufacturer’s showroom development as part of CBRE’s project management function

Welcome to the …


Sales CBRE

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Review rent rolls and develop location summaries with CBRE

Welcome to our program! We are so excited to have you …

What’s it like to run your own business?

What’s it like to run your own business? Chartered Accountants ANZ

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations
Research Opportunities

As a Chartered Accountant, advise clients on best practices for their business.

Chartered Accountants have a unique skill set that …

Business and Human Rights

Business and Human Rights Clifford Chance

United States
Forage - Virtual Job Simulations

Help businesses uphold human rights as you rotate through Clifford Chance’s global legal teams

More and more, businesses are being …