
You are your child’s best advocate. You are the most effective advocate for yourself in the workplace. Here are resources on advocating for your child in school and for yourself at work. All of us need to advocate for legislation that will benefit adults, students, or young children with learning disabilities.

What is Advocacy?

Parent advocates appearing at hearing

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines advocacy as the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal; the act or process of advocating something. As a parent of a child with learning disabilities it is ultimately your responsibility to assure your child is receiving the appropriate services. It is important to educate yourself on learning disabilities and in particular your child’s learning disability, collaborate with your child’s teachers and school forming a good working partnership, and, understand your rights under the law, which will be a key to your success.

Click here to learn more about advocacy.

How to Advocate

Parent speaking with lawmaker

To be an effective advocate for people with learning disabilities, it is important to understand the difference between what is required by law and what is not. Parents and other grassroots volunteer leaders were the driving forces in creating programs and services for children and adults with learning disabilities, and in establishing the laws protecting the rights of these individuals. Advocates must continue to work equally hard to make sure these protections and services stay in place.

Click here to learn how you can become a more effective advocate.

Disability Rights and Advocacy

Couple doing research on a tablet computer

Find and connect with leading organizations dedicated to supporting and assisting individuals with learning disabilities and that offer support and information on how to be a more effective advocate.

Click here to find out more about these organizations.

LDA Legislative News

LDA Legislative News is a free, monthly e-Newsletter with short articles on current public policy and legislative activities at the federal level. You can subscribe using the button on the right panel.

By Sage Mauldin, PhD
Sage Mauldin, PhD