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5 Reasons Universities Should Provide Alumni Career Services

With young professionals changing jobs every 2.8 years, the need for career services doesn’t end with graduation. And with 53% of recent grads unemployed or underemployed, it’s clear that alumni need help with career support. University career centers and alumni …

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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What is it like to work at UPS as a student or recent graduate?

United Parcel Service (UPS) is the world’s 11th largest employer with 500,000 employees. It is one of the world’s largest package delivery companies and a provider of supply chain management solutions. Established in 1907, it has grown to become a …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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Alerts are automated emails that bring curated career content directly to your inbox. You can set preferences for the content you would like to receive based on your individual …

By Cameron Mansanarez
Cameron Mansanarez Customer Success Manager
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3 Surprising Reasons You May Be Struggling to Find a Job

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

You’re frustrated. You’ve made countless resume updates for dozens of job applications, freshened up your social profiles, created a fancy portfolio, and jazzed up your interview wardrobe. It’s been an exhausting cycle. After months …

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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7 Ways to Use Modern Technology to Connect Students with Career Services

Technology has made leaps and bounds in the last few decades. Faster than you learn new hashtags and update resources for incoming students, they’re on to the next social trend.

Educational institutions have done their best to keep up with …

By CareerShift
Job hunting & career management solutions
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LinkedIn Learning

CSS: Float-Based Page Layouts (2012)

Taught by James Williamson
CSS: Page Layouts introduces basic layout concepts, gives advice on how to create properly structured HTML based on prototypes and…

Ubuntu Linux: Providing Services

Taught by Scott Simpson
In this detailed course, Scott Simpson delves into the foundational aspects of providing network services with Ubuntu Server. Learn how…

CSS Positioning Best Practices

Taught by Bill Weinman
Web designers and coders will be introduced to techniques to improve their results in CSS Positioning Best Practices. Beginning with…

Creative Inspirations: Harry Marks, Broadcast Designer

Taught by Harry Marks
Harry Marks is considered by many to be the godfather of broadcast design. More than any other individual, he changed…

After Effects Apprentice: 08 Nesting and Precomposing

Taught by Trish Meyer
Let Chris and Trish Meyer share with you two of the core secrets required to become an efficient After Effects…

Creative Inspirations: Stefan G. Bucher, Designer, Illustrator, and Writer

Taught by Stefan G. Bucher
Meet a truly monster graphic designer, Stefan G. Bucher. Stefan’s projects range from his Daily Monsters, to the Daily Letter…

Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

Taught by Chris Orwig
In the Narrative Portraiture series, photographer and teacher Chris Orwig explores the use of elements such as location and natural…

Excel 2007: Financial Analysis

Taught by Curt Frye
Numbers and financial data drives today’s business world and Excel 2007: Financial Analysis can help decode this information. The proper…

Troika’s ABC Brand Campaign: Start to Finish

Taught by Troika Design Group
Get an inside view behind the making of ABC TV’s fall promotional and brand image campaign, and watch a 60-second…

Narrative Portraiture: On Location in Texas with Keith Carter

Taught by Chris Orwig
In the Narrative Portraiture series, photographer and teacher Chris Orwig explores how to use location and natural light to create…

Illustrator: Drawing without the Pen Tool

Taught by Mordy Golding
In this installment of the Illustrator Insider Training series, Mordy Golding shows how to draw vector artwork quickly, precisely, and…

Excel 2010 Essential Training

Taught by Bob Flisser
In Excel 2010 Essential Training, Bob Flisser demonstrates the core features and tools in Excel 2010. The course introduces key…

Photoshop Masking and Compositing: Fundamentals

Taught by Deke McClelland
Photoshop Masking and Compositing: Fundamentals is the introductory installment of Deke McClelland’s four-part series on making photorealistic compositions in Photoshop.…

Creative Inspirations: Renegade Animation, Animation Studio

Taught by Renegade Animation
Renegade Animation has pioneered digital 2D paperless animation with a unique all-Flash workflow—and a bunch of really great cartoons! This…

Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Studio Portraiture

Taught by Douglas Kirkland
In the Douglas Kirkland on Photography series, well-known photographer Douglas Kirkland explores a variety of real-world photographic scenarios, sharing technique…

Creative Inspirations: Rick Smolan, Photographer

Taught by Rick Smolan
Rick Smolan is responsible for some of the largest photographic projects ever undertaken. A former Time, Life, and National Geographic…

Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Natural Light Portraiture

Taught by Douglas Kirkland
In the Douglas Kirkland on Photography series, well-known photographer Douglas Kirkland explores a variety of real-world photographic scenarios, sharing technique…

Acrobat X Essential Training

Taught by Anne-Marie Concepción
In Acrobat X Essential Training, author Anne-Marie Concepción demonstrates how to create, modify, review, and share PDFs in Adobe Acrobat…

Creative Inspirations: Duarte Design, Presentation Design Studio

Taught by Nancy Duarte
Duarte Design is on a mission to change the world, one PowerPoint presentation at a time. Nancy and Mark Duarte,…

Creative Inspirations: tokidoki, Character Illustrator

Taught by tokidoki
The Japanese-inspired lifestyle brand tokidoki, created by Italian artist and designer Simone Legno, started as a set of characters on…

Contact & Location

(405) 325-0311

The University of Oklahoma
660 Parrington Oval,
Norman, OK 73019-0390